• I’m a blogger!

    by  • 04/24/2013 • Uncategorized • 2 Comments

    Hello.  My name is Werner and I won’t tell you my last name because you’ll probably get it backwards.  Oh, okay… it’s John.  Werner John, that’s my name.  If you can remember it that way from the start, congratulations!  For most people it takes awhile to sink in.

    Anyway, that’s just my name.  Who I really am is someone deep inside that I’m getting to know, a presence that feels, well, bigger, more encompassing and longer-lived than who I thought I was.  And so if blog stands for web log, then this will be one person’s reflections on life, yes, but through an unusual lens: stepping back for the wide-angle.  My inner desire is for this blog to explore week by week, as it unfolds in real time, something about the evolution of all humanity.

    Yes, folks, humanity is evolving.  And I don’t mean developing enzymes to digest plastic either.  What I mean is that the sum total of our cultural presence on this planet is evolving FAST… and it better be!  For as you know deep down, you and I are living through the culmination of an epoch in this great human experiment.  Most of the traits that got us to this point of mastering our planet are fast becoming counterproductive.  And what we think, say, do and BE at this moment are so very important, living as we do in a crucial window of time when our future is in the balance.  Consider this blog then as an invitation to think about this and… rather than getting bummed out… to step with me into humanity’s evolutionary journey!  This era is so exciting.  The keys to a sane and healthy future await our soul’s passionate intent to find and use them.



    Picture Werner John playing his flute on a rock outcropping, enjoying the view and the clouds for hours and having time to think about the world. Werner brings this peaceful, insightful mode of being to his music and flutes, to his story concerts, to his writings and meditation circles. His gifts of beauty and inspiration have helped thousands in our hectic culture find a measure of peace.


    2 Responses to I’m a blogger!

    1. 06/01/2013 at 8:17 AM

      Dear Werner,
      I know you as a wise and gentle man with a profound and persistent commitment to a great future for humanity. I am glad to see you expand into the role of blogger, for your have much to offer. Once, you and I, with 29 others from nine countries, were the Archimedes Writers Group, committed to leveraging our writings to impact the co-evolution of humanity. I am honored to be invited to participate with you once again.

      Love, Harvey

    2. Margaret Anderson
      05/09/2013 at 5:44 PM

      Dear Werner,
      I love your invitation to ‘step with me into humanity’s evolutionary journey!’ This is a journey best done together – solo doesn’t fit into the evolutonary needs today.

      I look forward o your ongoing conversation.


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